SuperMacro - Examples#
Open Windows Explorer then go to C:\Program Files
Output delay should be set to ~20ms
{{win}{e}}{{pause:400}}{{alt}{d}}c:\Program Files\{{enter}}
Open Notepad and change settings
Output delay should be set to ~20ms
This will not work correctly if your Windows (and notepad) are not in English
{{win}{r}}{{pause:500}}notepad.exe{{enter}}{{pause:1000}}Ok... Let's see what this plugin can do...{{alt}{f}}{{right}}{{PAUSE:400}}{{right}} {{PAUSE:400}}f{{pause:400}}times{{down}}{{PAUSE:400}}{{tab}}{{PAUSE:400}}{{down}}{{PAUSE:400}}{{down}}{{PAUSE:400}}{{ENTER}}{{ENTER}}For more information visit: https://barider.g1thubio{{ctrl}{shift}{left}}{{PAUSE:400}}{{ENTER}}{{alt}{o}}f{{PAUSE:100}}Lucida Console{{tab}}Regular{{Tab}}12{{ENTER}}
Calculate something using the Windows Calculator
Output delay should be set to ~20ms
Move the mouse to a certain position on the screen, then Double-Click the left mouse button
To find the correct position you can use the Mouse Location action.
Move the mouse by 10 pixels left and 20 pixels down on every press
Add comments in the code using `{{//}}` command
{{INPUT:myNumber}} {{//}} User inputs number.
{{FUNC:MUL:MyResult:$myNumber:10}} {{//}} Multiply number by 10
{{OUTPUTTOFILE:MyResult:c:\temp\result.txt}} {{//}} Save result in file
Read text from a file and show it on the Stream Deck Key
Read text from a clipboard and show it on the Stream Deck Key
Scroll the mouse up by 5 clicks and then down by 3 clicks
Move the mouse to coordinates set from variables
Replace all "l"'s with "Z"'s in the string `Hello World` and show it on key
{{VARSET:XX:Hello World}}
Show the current date and time on the key
{{FUNC:NOW:MyVar:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}}
Print the current date and time
{{FUNC:NOW:MyVar:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}}
Set value of variable into the clipboard
{{VARSET:MyVar:Hello World}}
Read text from one txt file and insert into another along with a timestamp. (Contributed by Bowser#2891)
{{FUNC:NOW:TimeVar:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}}
{{FUNC:CONCAT:ListVarU:$ListVar:$SMENTER:$NewTextVar: :$TimeVar}}
Get input from user, then load a file with the inputted name (from the `c:\temp` folder) to CLIPBOARD and show it on the Stream Deck Key. (Contributed by Bowser#2891)
Note: Entire content of file may not fit within the screen of the Stream Deck Key.
Click the mouse while a key is held (in this example we will simulate a shift click)
Variables: Get input from user and then use it later on
{{INPUT:Name}}Hello {{OUTPUT:Name}}, Nice to meet you!
Variables: Read text from file into MyVar variable
Functions: Choose a random number between 1 (inclusive) to 10 (exclusive) and store it in MyVar
Functions: Input 2 numbers from the user. Choose a random number between firstNum variable (inclusive) to secondNum variable (exclusive) and store it in MyVar
Functions: Select a number from the user and multiply it by 10. Then save it to a file named c:\\temp\\result.txt