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Spotify - Getting Started#


Please follow the step-by-step instructions below to create your own Spotify Developer Application. (Client ID & Client Secret)


An active Spotify Premium subscription is required to use the plugin. You can subscribe to Spotify Premium here.

  1. Open Spotify Developer Dashboard and Login with your Spotify account.
  2. Click the Create app button on the landing page.

    Step 2

  3. Set the App name to anything of your choice.

    Step 3

    a. Set the App description to anything of your choice.

    Step 3a

    b. Skip the Website field, this isn't required for the Stream Deck plugin to function.

    c. Set the Redirect URI to http://localhost:4202. You can copy the Redirect URI below:


    Step 3b and 3c


    Triple check the Redirect URI is correct, before proceeding. The plugin will fail to validate if it's any different.

    d. Click the checkbox for Web API

    Step d

  4. Click the checkbox to agree to Spotify's Developer Terms of Service and Design Guidelines.

    Step 4

  5. Compare your app settings with ours below, before you click Save in a hurry, just to be sure the settings are correct.

    Step 5


    Yay, you've created an app! 👏 We now need to fetch the Client ID and Client secret the plugin is requesting.

  6. Click the Settings button on the home/dashboard page.

    Step 6

  7. Click the View client secret hyperlink on the settings page.

    Step 7

  8. Copy the Client ID and Client secret and paste them inside of the Spotify Integration setup.

    Step 8


    Do not share your Client secret. If you accidentally leak it, click Rotate client secret to generate a new one.

  9. Drag n' drop the Play/Pause action from the sidebar under the Spotify [BarRaider] category:

    Step 9

  10. Click Play in Spotify on your device, and whilst its playing click the Reload devices button.

  11. Lastly, click the dropdown menu above Reload devices, select your device... and enjoy!


    If you don't see your device listed, please refer to the Device / playlist section on the troubleshooting page.