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SuperMacro - Functions#



Use a : between the command name and the arguments


Where InputParamX can either be text (10) or another variable ($MyVar)

Drill-Down of syntax:

  1. All functions always start with the FUNC keyword.
  2. The 2nd argument would be the name of the function (see column 1 in table below).
  3. The 3rd argument would be the return variable (i.e. the variable which will hold the result of the function). Note: No $ is needed here.
  4. Arguments 4 and up are the input needed for the function. Each function has a different number of Input arguments (as stated in column 2 in the table below).


    To differentiate between regular text and variables, start with a $ if you're referring to a variable

Supported Functions#

Math Functions#

Function Name Number of Input arguments Example Comments
ADD 2 {{FUNC:ADD:MyVar:10:20}} (10+20 and store in MyVar)
{{FUNC:ADD:Var1:10:$Var2}} (Add 10 to Var2 and store in Var1)
{{FUNC:ADD:Result:$Var1:$Var2}} (Sum Var1 and Var2 and store in Result)
SUB 2 {{FUNC:SUB:MyVar:20:10}} (20-10 and store in MyVar) (Additional examples similar to ADD above)
MUL 2 {{FUNC:MUL:MyVar:10:20}} (10*20 and store in MyVar) (Additional examples similar to ADD above)
DIV 2 {{FUNC:DIV:MyVar:​100:50}} (100/50 and store in MyVar). (Additional examples similar to ADD above)
ROUND 1 {{FUNC:ROUND:MyVar:10,11:2}} Rounds a value to the specified number of fractional digits
RANDOM 2 {{FUNC:RANDOM:MyVar:1:20}} (Find a random number between 1 (inclusive) and 20 (exclusive) and store in MyVar.
{{FUNC:RANDOM:MyVar:$FirstVal:$SecondVal}} (Find a random number between FirstVal variable (inclusive) and SecondVal variable (exclusive) and store in MyVar.
Note: First value must be LOWER than Second value.
CONCAT Unlimited {{FUNC:CONCAT:MyVar:Hello:World:$Var1:Hi:$Var2}}
MyVar will have the string: HelloWorldXXXXHiYYYY Where XXXX is the contents of Var1 and YYYY is the contents of Var2
MyVar will have the string: Yllo
{{VARSET:XX:Hello World}} {{VARSET:A:l}}{{VARSET:B:Z}} {{FUNC:REPLACE:MyVar:$XX:$A:$B}}
MyVar will have the string: HeZZo WorZd
NOW 1 {{FUNC:NOW:MyVar:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}}
MyVar will have the current date and time.
LEN 1 {{FUNC:LEN:MyVar:Hello World}} (Length of the string 'Hello World')
MyVar will have the value 11
MID (Arguments: 1. 0-Based Start Position 2. [Optional] Length) {{FUNC:MID:RES:Hello:2}} RES will have llo
{{FUNC:MID:RES:Hello:0:2}} RES will have He
REVERSE 1 {{FUNC:REVERSE:MyVar:Hello World}}
MyVar will have the value: dlroW olleH
INDEXOF 2 Returns the first 0-based position of a text in the string.
{{FUNC:INDEXOF:RES:Hello:e}} will return 1 into RES (since e has an index of 1 in the string)
FLOOR Returns the largest integral value less than or equal to the specified number
CEILING Returns the smallest integral value greater than or equal to the specified number
MIN Returns the smaller of two numbers
MAX Returns the larger of two numbers
ABS Returns the absolute value of a specified number

Date Time Functions#


Negative values will calculate Date/Time Functions backwards.

Function Name Number of Input arguments Example Comments
AddDays 3 {{FUNC:NOW:today:yyyy-MM-dd}}
Prints yesterdays date from clipboard using an existing datetime.
AddMonths 3 {{FUNC:AddMonths:lastmonth:$today:-1}} Counts one month back from an existing datetime and saves to a new var.
AddSeconds 3 {{FUNC:AddSeconds:125secondsfromnow:$today:125}} Add 125 seconds to an existing datetime and saves to a new var.
AddMinutes 3 {{FUNC:AddMonths:65minutes:$today:65}} Add 65 minutes to an existing datetime and saves to a new var.)
AddHours 3 {{FUNC:AddMonths:20hours:$today:20}} Add 20 hours to an existing datetime and saves to a new var.
DateDif 4 {{FUNC:DATEDIFF:RES:$date1:$date2:d}} Compares two datetimes and return the time difference between them (result can be in days/hours/minutes/seconds/miliseconds)
DateFormat 4 {{FUNC:DATEFORMAT:RES:$date1:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss}} Allows to format a date